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You will learn:

  • How to manage your tests using the menu
  • How to create and edit tests via Hakutest test editor


Test management is a fundamental component of Hakutest. It allows you to perform a number of operations on the tests available to your students. The integrated editor enables the creation of coherent tests, quizzes, and even exam variants.

Tests menu

Tests menu

Tests menu is a file manager-like interface that allows to manage your tests. The following describes the actions you can perform in the menu:

Create new test in the editor
Import existing test from .json file
Delete selected tests
Download selected tests as .zip archive
Download this test as .json file
Delete this test
Edit this test
Preview this test


Importing tests from JSON files can be useful for sharing tests between multiple teachers. Download the tests and send them to another teacher to use.

Test editor

Test editor

Test editor allows you to create and edit your tests with ease. You need to fill the general fields, add tasks, and save the test.

General fields

General fields are described in the table below:

Title (required)This field is displayed in the menu and is used when searching for testsMy test
DescriptionDescription of the testComputer science test for 9th grades
SubjectSubject of the testComputer Science
AuthorAuthor of the testJohn Doe
Target audienceWho the test is for9th grade students
InstitutionThe educational institution where the test is conductedHakutest Academy
Expires AtExpiration time of the test. Leave blank for the test to be indefinite06/28/2032 08:00 PM


Each task contains the following information:

Task text

Task text typically represents the terms of those tasks. You can use Markdown syntax it. Below are examples of task texts:

Text styles


***bold italic***



> Quote



bold italic




### My awesome task

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

My awesome task

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Subscript and superscript
Every programmer knows that 2^10^ equals 1024.

Stay hydrated! Drink more H~2~O!

Every programmer knows that 210 equals 1024.

Stay hydrated! Drink more H2O!

Links and images

![Hakutest Icon](/favicon.ico)


Hakutest Icon

Tables and lists
|  #  | Name                    | Price |
| :-: | :---------------------- | ----: |
|  1  | Pencil box x150         |   $20 |
|  2  | Colored pencil box x150 |  $120 |

Ordered list:

1. Item 1
2. Item 2
3. Item 3

Unordered (bullet) list:

-   Item
-   Another item
-   Third item

1Pencil box x150$20
2Colored pencil box x150$120

Ordered list:

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3

Unordered (bullet) list:

  • Item
  • Another item
  • Third item

Keyboard Shortcuts

Hakutest test editor supports a number of keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys) that can be useful to increase the speed of work.

HotkeyInserted markup

Task types

There are 4 types of tasks in Hakutest:

  • Single answer — Student has to choose one answer option;
  • Multiple answers — Student has to choose multiple answer options;
  • Open answer — Student has to enter a short answer;
  • Detailed answer — Student has to enter a detailed answer.


Single answer, multiple answer and open answer tasks are checked automatically by Hakutest. You select (or enter) the correct answer(s), and Hakutest checks them.

Detailed answer tasks are checked manually by the teacher. During the check, Hakutest marks the answer as correct if it is not blank, and as incorrect otherwise.

The following are examples for each type of task:

Single answer

Single answer

Multiple answers

Multiple answers

Open answer


The register does not affect the correctness of the answer.

Open answer

Detailed answer

Detailed answer

Saving the test

When you have finished editing the test, click the "Save test" button. Hakutest will automatically save the test and then it will be available to your students.

Hakutest is released under the MIT License.