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Hakutest is an educational platform designed for testing, quizzes, and exams with automatic answer checking. It offers advantages over analogues. Hakutest operates by storing test files locally, generating web pages for each test, and automatically checking student responses against expected solutions for instant feedback and accurate grading.

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About Hakutest

Hakutest is an educational platform designed for testing in local network. It allows you to test students, conduct quizzes, and even take exams. In other words, you can use Hakutest for every task that requires automatic answer check.

It has a number of advantages over its analogues:

  • Security: Your data and your students' data are stored locally, ensuring that no one else can access it.
  • Efficiency: Hakutest is an efficient system capable of checking students' answers in a matter of milliseconds.
  • Customizability: You can customize the system to suit your needs: internationalization, different environments, data export and more.
  • Cross-platform: Students can access Hakutest from any device. Server is available for Windows and Linux.
  • Free: Hakutest is a free (as in freedom) and open source software.
  • Just works: Hakutest is configured to work out-of-the-box.


Today, numerous testing systems are available for educational institutions. However, each of them has significant drawbacks. Some of them have security issues: they compromise answers or allow students to falsify their results. Some of them are proprietary, so student data is stored on third-party servers.

Hakutest was created with the intention of mitigating these weaknesses. While it is definitely not the most important tool out there (it is neither a window system, nor a driver, etc.), it attempts to provide a transparent and smooth testing experience for both students and teachers. Focus on the educational process, not on fighting software.

How it works

Hakutest runs on the local network (but it can also be run on a global network as well). Each test is represented by a JSON file that is stored locally on your device. When the Hakutest server is running, students can access the test through the browser. The platform dynamically generates a web page for each test, displaying the questions and any additional content specified in the test file.

Once students have completed the test and submitted their answers, Hakutest automatically checks their responses against the expected solutions. This automated answer checking process provides instant feedback to students. The platform evaluates each answer based on the predefined criteria set in the test file, allowing for accurate and efficient grading.

By utilizing this approach, Hakutest ensures that the testing process is secure and reliable. Since the test files are stored locally, the platform maintains data privacy and prevents unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Hakutest is released under the MIT License.